End of Life Resources

We know that this is a difficult decision and is also a unique journey for each individual. We are here to help you in any way we can. If you need guidance in deciding when the right time to say goodbye is, we often refer to an animal's quality of life. We can quantify this attribute using a point system.

We offer humane euthanasia services here at Brooklyn Yard Veterinary Hospital and can facilitate an appointment when the time comes, even with very little notice, during normal business hours.

We also understand that our clients may wish to have this procedure performed in the comfort of their own home. For this option, we are very fortunate to have options for veterinary services that solely offer in-home end-of-life care at any time. We highly recommend the following services:

  1. Compassionate Care (Available 24/7)

  2. Loving Hands In-Home Pet Euthanasia

  3. Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice & In-Home Euthanasia